
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bucket List

I'm not dead. But I haven't been upcycling. I've been painting. But not furniture. I've been painting trim.  And ceilings. And walls. Basically, my whole house.

See, we may or may not be trying to move.

That's because our forever house may or may not have come on the market.

Don't you have a Bucket List too? I have two of them. A spiritual one to make me sound lofty and grand when I need something to share at bible studies and ladies luncheons. You know, things like going to a foreign field or writing a book. Yes, I'm being mildly (or greatly) facetious.

Then there's my earthly Bucket List, which is rather short. Number one on that list? Live in a stone house.

I'll admit I'm a little creepy when it comes to trying to find a stone house to buy. I know where all the stone houses are in the area I live. I know whether or not the people who live in them pay their taxes on time. I have written to most of the owners who own stone houses in my possible price range, asking them to consider selling their homes to me. Yes, I'm a stalker. But just about stone houses--I'm pretty normal after that...

So now we have a chance at one. It even comes with a little cottage on the side that I can turn into my furniture workshop! Hence, upcycling is on hold, and Project Bucket List is underway=)


  1. I didn't realize writing a book was a lofty, spiritual goal. That might explain why I haven't been able to finish. Praying for success with your less lofty bucket list. But hurry back!

  2. Oooo! This is so exciting! Happy painting, and hope you can get this stone house! I will definitely come to visit your furniture workshop once you have it :)
